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The Goal of Marketing Is Growth

All business problems are, at their core, marketing problems.

This applies to multinational corporations, startups, and non-profit organizations alike.

I assist non-profit organizations with clear budgetary goals, startups that need to scale their operations, and large companies seeking organizational transformation in achieving growth.

Attention Is Value

The Essence of Marketing is Attention.

Attention is the value attribute of media, manifesting as visits, subscriptions, orders, reach, and influence. All of these are essentially the same thing: traffic. Traffic is based on people’s attention.

How to Activate Media Value?

Here are the four key issues you need to address:

  • Identify the Right Metrics: Wrong metrics are the source of all errors.
  • Provide Value: The foundation of business principles is value exchange.
  • Define Boundaries: The stronger the brand, the clearer its boundaries.
  • Traffic Marketing: Reconstruct media strategies and business logic based on traffic acquisition.

What I Offer

Services I provide the following four categories of services to clients with genuine innovation needs. These services span the entire organizational lifecycle:

  • Growth Hack Service
  • Content Marketing Support
  • Brand & Impact Management
  • Social Media & E-commerce Marketing

Our consensus

These services require full participation from the entire team, from managers to team members.

Growth Hacking is not a quick-fix technique for acquiring customers. It is far from that, and you should not be misled by rumors.

Content Marketing is not as simple as regularly publishing a few articles. If it were, the world’s best brands would be created by typists.

Brand and Impact Management is not about spreading your logo everywhere. If your target audience cannot distinguish you from the market, you have no real influence.

Social Media is not about having a set of accounts and talking about the weather every day. As for your E-commerce system, if you cannot sell well offline, you will not succeed online either.

My latest Works

These recent works are being continuously updated. As always, they are partly the result of my and my team’s creativity, and partly from third-party commissions. We don’t always have full control over all processes, especially with large organizations that commission us, where progress can be either fast or slow. This is easily understandable, but we ensure that they are moving in the right direction.

Some Tips


Ninety percent of organizations are struggling on the wrong path, continuously wasting their time and money. Repeating a wrong method a hundred times will still result in a wrong outcome.

The opportunity for followers lies in transformation, not in imitation. Former leaders are not succeeding because they are doing well, but because they are failing slowly. Imitating leaders will not lead to success; it will only cause you to fail before they do.

Who you are often comes from what you oppose, not what you align with. Strong opposition can inspire strong alignment. Brands and organizations that play it safe will be forgotten, and their products and services will only be sold at a discount or even given away.

Did It Hit Home?

It’s time to consider the following questions:

  • Your Direction
  • Your Resources
  • Your Strengths
  • Your Profit/Impact Expectations
  • The Budget You Are Willing to Allocate

Looking forward to hearing your answers.